2nd Sunday of Advent

A Total Turnaround!

Join Dina Marie Hale on this weekly broadcast as she reflects upon the readings for the Sunday Mass. On this second Sunday of Advent, we hear from the prophet Baruch who urges the people to take courage and remember God’s promise of Love, Mercy and Justice! We are also swayed by Saint Paul’s prayer from prison to center our lives on God and His great love for us. Finally, a cry is heard from the desert as St John the Baptist responds to his Call to urge the people to change their way and return to the Lord. Join us for this reflection with Dina Marie.

Resources used in this recording are:

The Word Among Us: Daily Meditations for Catholics www.wau.org Advent 2021 Edition.

The readings for 2nd Sunday of Advent: Baruch 5:1-9; Psalm 126; Philippians 1:4-6,8-11; Luke 3:1-6.

For the daily liturgical readings visit: www.usccb.org or www.wau.org

The podcast of this program is at www.materdeiradio.com.

Prayer offered at the opening of this episode:

Second Week of Advent:

When John the Baptizer made his appearance as a preacher in the desert of Judea, this was his theme: Reform your lives. The reign of God is at hand! Mt. 3:1 Second Sunday of Advent

O Jesus, in an empty desert your prophet John proclaimed: God is here, at your side. God has come to bring about a kingdom where injustice and suffering will be no more, where tears will be wiped away, and where those who turn to God will feast at a banquet.

“Turn now, your God is standing at your side. Reform your lives, God’s kingdom is at hand.” In an empty desert John said those things.

Give me faith like John’s, O Lord, strong enough to believe even in a desert that you and your kingdom are no farther from me than my hand. Make my heart strong like his, not swayed by trials or snared by false pleasures. Give me courage to be faithful until your promises are fulfilled.

O King of all nations, Jesus Christ, only joy of every heart, come and save your people.


From Christmas Prayers and Customs: Christmas Classics, Edited by Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P., The Regina Press New York.

Passionist Missionaries 1997

A Prayer Before Reading Sacred Scripture:

Lord, inspire us to read your Sacred Scriptures and to meditate upon them day and night.

We beg you give us real understanding of what we need, that we in turn may put its precepts into practice. Yet we know that understanding and good intentions are worthless, unless rooted in your graceful love.

So we ask that the words of Scripture may also be not just signs on a page, but channels of grace into our hearts.

We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon www.archdpdx.org

Learn more at www.DinaMarie.org.

A special thanks to the following people and parishes:

Father Paul Jeyamani, All Saints Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon – https://allsaintsportland.org/

Father Bryan Ochs and Deacon Fred Johnson, Rose de Viterbo in Longview, Washington; Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Kelso, Washington; St. Catherine Mission, Cathlamet, WA and St. Mary Catholic Church in Castle Rock, WA – https://www.stroselongview.com/

Father Emmanuel Ochigbo, Sunday Homily Series www.frochigbo.blogspot.com

Father Mike Schmitz Sunday Mass on Ascension Presents YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdG...

Archbishop Alexander Sample, St. Mary’s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland, Oregon. https://www.maryscathedral.com/

Father Anthony Galati, Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Beaverton, Oregon. https://www.h-t.org/

HIPPONE TV www.youtube.com/c/HIPPONETV in Kenya

Thank you to all who have supported me by their prayers and encouragement in producing this weekly program.

With gratitude to the Holy Spirit for Your gifts and to my guardian angel and all the Holy Angels for their protection and guidance.