Are you Sinking?

“Are you Sinking?” on the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A, August 13, 2023.  Listen carefully to the readings and join Dina Marie for this reflection on FAITH MOMENTS WITH DINA MARIE.

The readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

First Reading: 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a

Responsorial Psalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

Second Reading: Romans 9:1-5

Gospel Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

For the daily liturgical readings visit: or

The podcast of this program is at

Resources used in this recording are:

The Word Among Us Daily Meditations  www.WAU.ORG

Magnificat August 2023 Vol. 25, No. 6

2023 Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word: United States Edition

In Conversation with God (Meditations for each day of the year)

Daily Meditations Volume Three: Ordinary Time: Weeks 13-23

Francis Fernandez