Leadership Circle Breakfast


Wednesday, September 25

7:00 – 8:30 a.m.

Christ the King Catholic Church, Milwaukie 

Join Mater Dei Radio for the re-launch of our Leadership Circle Breakfast! Start your day with an uplifting morning that includes breakfast, prayer, and fellowship with our local Catholic community. 

If making big changes in your life can feel daunting, come and learn about the small habits that create a big impact in your life – whether in faith, relationships, or work! Hear practical advice from our panelists (and frequent Mater Dei Radio guests) Sister Teresa Harrell, Deacon Scott Aikin, and Rolando Moreno about the small changes you can incorporate into your own life. 

Date: Wednesday, September 25 

Location: Christ the King Catholic Church, Milwaukie 

11709 SE Fuller Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222


7:00 to 8:30 a.m. – Breakfast, Fellowship, & Panel

8:30 a.m. – Optional Mass at Christ the King 

Cost: $10 to help cover breakfast 



Director, Chesterton Academy of the Willamette Valley

Adjunct Professor, Mount Angel Seminary


Rolando Moreno received his Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Philosophy with a Concentration in Catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He also received a Master of Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. From 2005 to 2014, Rolando served as Pastoral Associate of Catechesis and Family Life at St. Joseph’s in Salem and has also taught Theology at Central Catholic High School. He also served as the Director of Catechesis and Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Portland from 2015-2023. He is a co-founder of Chesterton Academy of the Willamette Valley In Mount Angel and currently serves as Executive Director. In addition he is an Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology at Mount Angel Seminary. Rolando loves spending time with his wife, Angela, and five children, reading great books, writing, and hiking. When time permits, he enjoys raising a glass in the company of good friends. 


Society of Mary

Liturgy and Spirituality Coordinator, St. Michael's Parish

Sister Teresa Harrell is a member of the Society of Mary, an order of religious missionary Sisters dedicated to the New Evangelization who work with the Saint John Society in their programs of New Evangelization. While in grad school at Oregon State, she encountered Jesus alive in the Eucharist and entered the Church in 2002. She serves at St. Michael the Archangel in downtown Portland, Oregon, where (among other things) she directs the Mercy Mission program for young adults who spend a year evangelizing those living on the streets of Portland. She completed her undergraduate studies in English and philosophy, Master's degrees in English and Theology, and is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry. 


Permanent Deacon, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

Senior Advisor, White House Council on Native American Affairs

Deacon Scott Aikin serves as an permanent Deacon at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Vancouver, Washington located within the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was ordained a Deacon in the Archdiocese of Seattle in November 2007. He has been married for 35 years and has 4 young adult children as well as being a grandparent.  He and his family have lived in Vancouver, Washington since 1999.  He received a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology in 1992 and his Master’s degree in Natural Resources/Water Quality in 2000 from Humboldt State University in Northern California. 

Beyond his role as a a Permanent Deacon, Deacon Aikin works as the Senior Advisor to the White House Council on Native American Affairs as well as National Native American Programs Coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service working in the Director’s Office. Scott is an enrolled member of the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation of Northeast Kansas and has more than three decades of experience helping the Federal Government carry out its trust responsibilities toward Tribes throughout the United States. 


Mater Dei Radio's Leadership Circle is made of up of organizations, ministries, and Catholic-owned business owners who support Mater Dei Radio through their generous sponsorship. We are grateful for their support in providing Catholic media to the local area and making events like this possible! Find a full list of our members here.

If you are interested in joining the Leadership Circle or in sponsoring this or these breakfast events, please contact Sarah Kuenzi at sarahk@materdeiradio.com.