The Bridge Between Your Faith and Everyday Life

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign – Vancouver

right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, 11516 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver Vancouver, WA, United States

"40 Days for Life" is a time of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.  You're invited to peacefully stand vigil and pray on public sites and in front […]

Remembrance of Abortion Victims, Vancouver

Clark County Courthouse steps 1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA, United States

Clark County Right to Life invites all to this memorial on the steps of the Clark County Courthouse.  Family-friendly event.

40 Days for Life Fall campaign – Vancouver

right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, 11516 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver Vancouver, WA, United States

"40 Days for Life" is a time of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully stand vigil and pray on public sites and in front […]

Remembrance of Victims of Abortion, Vancouver

Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater 218 W. 12th St., Vancouver, WA, United States

All are invited to come to a pro-life Mass at the Proto-Cathedral of St. James starting at 12:10 p.m.  After Mass, everyone is invited march four blocks to the Clark […]