The Bridge Between Your Faith and Everyday Life

“Go Fish” retreat for college students

BW Agate Beach Inn 3019 N. Coast Hwy., Newport, OR, United States

Open to all Catholic college students, Go Fish is an annual social and faith-filled conference hosted by the St. John Society.  This weekend is an opportunity to be inspired by […]

$110 – $125

Go Fish Conference for young adults

Best Western Plus Agate Beach Inn 3019 N. Coast Hwy., Newport, OR, United States

The Go Fish Conference is an annual event hosted by the Saint John Society, open to all Catholics age 18-25 in the Pacific Northwest, who are invited to come for a social, faith-filled weekend on the Oregon Coast. The schedule includes by talks by renowned speakers, small group discussion, fun activities, Eucharistic Adoration, and Mass. […]
