The Bridge Between Your Faith and Everyday Life

National Catholic Singles Conference – virtual

Virtually join hundreds from across the country at the 20th National Conference for Single Catholics.  The weekend will include talks by dynamic speakers (Fr. Nathan Cromly, Fr. Thomas Loya, Mary Beth Bonacci, and others) as well as music, social events, Mass, adoration, opportunities for fellowship, and more. On-line registration open until August 19.


National Catholic Singles Conference – virtual

Virtually join hundreds of single Catholics from across the country at the annual National Conference for Single Catholics, "...created to give single Catholics the opportunity to grow and be in encouraged in their faith through talks by dynamic speakers, time for prayer, and various social opportunities, which provide a great balance of inspiration, fun and […]


National Catholic Singles Conference in Las Vegas

Sahara Hotel 2535 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV, United States

Join hundreds of single Catholics from across the country at the annual National Conference for Single Catholics, "...created to give single Catholics the opportunity to grow and be in encouraged […]
