“A world at prayer is a world at peace.” – Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, CSC
Make a difference and join Mater Dei Radio for our 54 Day Rosary Novena for Peace, happening now through Thursday, October 22 – the Feast Day of Pope Saint John Paul II. You can unite with Our Lady in the Rosary three times each day on Mater Dei Radio at 6:00 am, 6:30 pm, and 11:30 pm.
Together, we can bring heavenly peace to a world that desperately hungers for it through this powerful 54 Day Rosary Novena. Find your peace by praying with Mater Dei Radio, leading souls to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A Prayer for Peace from Pope Saint John Paul II
Mary, Queen of Peace,
save us all,
who have so much trust in you,
from wars, hatred and oppression.
Make us all learn to live in peace,
do what is demanded by justice
and respect the rights of every person,
so that peace may be firmly established. Amen.
Dedicate a Rosary
Also, you can underwrite an on-the-air Rosary broadcast for your prayer intention(s). Whether it’s a one-time or ongoing request, we are glad to add your intentions to this essential ministry. At least 2 weeks’ notice is required for underwriting a Rosary broadcast . Please contact Deb for more details at (503) 285-5200.