The Bridge Between Your Faith and Everyday Life

“Come, Follow Me” retreat for women

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

This retreat is a combination of activities, song, discussion, talks, and testimonies that provide an opportunity for each participant to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Each retreat is led spiritually by Fr. Peter O’Brien along with Christians from our local community.  The talks and testimony are deeply personal and given by local community […]


“Come, Follow Me” retreat for men

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

This retreat will be a combination of activities, song, discussion, talks, and testimonies that provide an opportunity for each participant to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Each retreat […]


2nd annual Cultura Vitae Lecture

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

The Cultura Vitae Lecture (Culture of Life) Series is an effort of the Chesterton Academy of the Willamette Valley to educate the greater community and to build what Pope St. […]


Advent day retreat: Prepare Ye The Way

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

Dina Marie Hale will offer reflections on giving God a straight path in our lives to better bless our families.  Besides the talks, the day's schedule includes Mass, Holy Hour, opportunity for Reconciliation, a hot lunch, personal time, and hospitality.  For moms, dad, grandparents, and others.


Young Adult retreat

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

Join other young adults in their 20's and 30's for a weekend away to rest, relax, and reconnect with friends and the Lord. $85 if registered by Feb. 28, $100 […]

$85 – $100

Lenten Adventure with Dina Marie: Embrace the Wood of the Cross

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S. Main St., Mount Angel, OR, United States

During this presentation, Dina Marie will reveal ways we can embrace the Cross in our daily lives and how to discover true joy and happiness on the road to Calvary. Take home practical tips on how to face the ongoing transitions in your life and to always be ready to say YES when Jesus calls, […]