Q. What in the world is Mater Dei Radio?

A.  Mater Dei (Latin for Mother of God) Radio is a Catholic, lay-owned and operated, radio ministry broadcasting the truth and beauty of the Faith on KBVM 88.3 FM in the areas of Portland and Salem, Oregon and Vancouver in Washington, as well as on KMME 94.9 and 100.5 FM in Eugene and Cottage Grove, Oregon – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mater Dei Radio can also be heard online at www.MaterDeiRadio.com.

Q. Didn’t you used to be KBVM?  Or Catholic Broadcasting Northwest?

A.  We still are… but not only that any longer.  Once we expanded into Eugene with KMME, we could no longer refer to ourselves by out Portland call letters (KBVM).  So, in order to include both stations (and any others that we may add in the future) we adopted a DBA – ‘Doing Business As’ – name.  This is a common business practice.  All other Catholic radio station ‘groups’ do the same: i.e.  Covenant Network, Queen of Peace Radio, Sacred Heart Radio, Holy Spirit Radio, etc.  Catholic Broadcasting Northwest is still our official registered business name.  But it certainly doesn’t roll off the tongue or look good on a billboard.

Q. Isn’t Mater Dei Radio just EWTN?

A. While Mater Dei Radio (KBVM/KMME) is an “affiliate” of EWTN, we are not owned or operated by them. We are also an affiliate of Relevant Radio. We air the programming they both graciously provide throughout the day, but we are our own business with employees, bills, and studios located in Portland, Oregon.  This allows us the opportunity to provide you with a mix of EWTN, Relevant Radio, content from other partners, and our own local programming.

Q. What locally produced shows do you air?

A. Glad you asked! Mater Dei Radio produces a live morning show which airs weekdays from 7 – 9 am called The Morning Blend. We also have  a group of original programs that air at 7:30 pm each night and on the weekends. You can find the schedule here. Check under the “Radio Programs” and “Digital Media” menus at the top of this webpage to see some of the many on-air shows and podcasts we produce.

Q. How is Mater Dei Radio funded?

A. As a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, Mater Dei Radio is supported by you – our listeners. That means that we can’t do what we do without you! Twice a year (Spring and Fall) we hold on-air Sharathons. Additionally we sell underwriting to local businesses, churches and schools, we apply for appropriate grants, and occasionally receive monies via bequests / wills.

Q. How much does it cost to run your station?

A. Our current budget is approximately $750,000 a year. This includes six paid staff positions, advertising, electricity, phone services… and all the other things it takes to run a business. We know that you do not give your donations lightly, so we do our best to be good stewards of the money that you, and God, have entrusted to us. We run a very tight ship and do all that we can each year to make sure to keep our budget under control.

Q. How many people listen to Mater Dei Radio?

A. That’s a great question. The short answer is, “We don’t know.” The longer answer is it costs money to find out that information, and we’d prefer to use your contributions for furthering the Kingdom of God rather than acquiring statistics.

And while we don’t have statistics on our radio broadcast, we do know that listeners spend over 15,000 hours listening to the digital live stream each month. Podcasts of our locally produced shows are found on our website, app, and all major podcast platforms, and have been downloaded an average of over 25,000 times each year. Over 3500 people use our Hail Mary Media app, including praying along with an average of over 20,000 audio prayers each year. 

Q. Will you accept underwriting on this station?

A. Absolutely! We have many businesses, churches, schools and lay-ministries who underwrite portions of our programming as part of our Leadership Circle. It’s simple, economical, and tax deductible. And it gets your information out to the Catholic radio listener. Please email skuenzi@materdeiradio.com for more information.

Q. Is the station owned by the Archdiocese of Portland?

A. While Mater Dei Radio is not owned by the Archdiocese of Portland, OR, we do work very closely with them in ministering to the people in our listening area. In fact, they have a representative on our Board of Directors. We are also extremely blessed to have Archbishop Sample and his staff as part of our extended broadcast family and have his full support (as well as Auxiliary Bishop Peter Smith’s) for our mission and vision.

Q. I have been having trouble with the live-stream (or other technology). What should I do?

A. If you have any issues with any of our technology (live-stream, app, Alexa, etc), please let us know at info@materdeiradio.com. It is helpful to include any details such as the features and device you were using, the strength of your current data or WiFi signal, and timeline/frequency of the problem. This allows us to investigate and fix any issues!

Q. What can I do to help continue the mission of Mater Dei Radio?

A. Where do I start? First, and most importantly: please pray for us! We can’t broadcast the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and His Church if we are not spiritually supported by our listeners. Secondly, we need your financial contributions – and there are a variety of ways to give! Contrary to what some might believe, it is not cheap to run a non-profit radio station. We have equipment to buy, staff to pay… and bills such as power and telephone just like everyone else. Literally every dollar that you can contribute is VERY appreciated. Third, share our ministry by telling a friend about a show you enjoy, the radio broadcast, or our Hail Mary Media app. And lastly, we are also always looking for volunteers. Give us a call at (503) 285-5200 or email info@materdeiradio.com to find out how YOU can help.