Join Dina Marie Hale on this weekly broadcast as she reflects upon the readings for the 6th Sunday of Easter. Today’s theme is: “His Final Message” The readings for the Mass are from the Acts of the Apostles, Psalm 145, Revelation and the Gospel of John. Listen carefully to the readings and join Dina Marie for this reflection on the Sixth Sunday of Easter.
Resources used in this recording are:
The Word Among Us Daily Meditations for April 17-May 31, 2022 Easter 2022. www.WAU.ORG
2022 Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word: United States Edition
The readings for the Mass for the 6th Sunday of Easter: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29, Psalm 67, Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23, and John 14:23-29.
For the daily liturgical readings visit: or
The podcast of this program is at