Our Parish for the Week of March 24:
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Corvallis & Oregon State Newman Center
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Corvallis is a Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, under the care of the Saint John Society. They are a parish centered on evangelization and discipleship, striving to radiate the new life in Christ to those around them. One of the key ministries associated with St. Mary’s is the Newman Center at Oregon State University, which is dedicated to forming a new generation of disciples.
Holy Week Liturgies:
- Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bilingual), 7 p.m. on Thursday
- Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 5:30 p.m. on Friday
- Easter Vigil, 8:30 p.m. on Saturday
- Easter Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m., 12:30 & 7:00 p.m.
Regular Ministries and Events at St. Mary’s Church:
- First Friday Holy Hour 7 p.m. on first Friday of each month during academic year
- The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry provides food and other grocery items to people in need within the parish community and beyond. Over 2000 households are served annually with food box donations. The St Mary’s middle and high school youth group helped collect non-perishable food items on Super Bowl weekend in February (Souper Bowl of Caring).
- Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfasts
- Faith in Person Series with topics such as Jesus in the Eucharist
- Alpha Course, a 10-week introduction to the Catholic faith which includes the option of a weekend retreat) and a post-Alpha program
- Chesterton Academy of St. Andrew will be starting Fall 2024 in Corvallis
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas
- The Assistance Fund was established in the 1990’s and is run by a volunteer board to address the needs of a growing number of people coming to St. Mary’s for financial assistance
- Theology Academy
- Small Groups
- Sacraments and Faith Formation
- Several other seasonal events
About the OSU Newman Center:
- Fr. John Poodts from St. John’s Society, Sisters from the Society of Mary, staff members, and Volunteer Missionaries are currently staffing the OSU Newman Center
They are dedicated to forming a new generation of Disciples: Students for Christ, Christians for the World
The Alpha Course is the main program at Newman, and is offered every term for newcomers. It’s for anyone interested in exploring the basics of the Christian faith in an open and welcoming environment.
Venture is a retreat and program for incoming Catholic freshmen who want to integrate their faith and college life, and make new friends.
Other programs include RCIA, households, soccer, mentorship, and Athlete Bible Study.
The Newman Lectures support a dialogue between faith and reason
Special event throughout the year include Welcome Week, Beaver Tailgate, Walk for Life, seasonal gatherings, and much more!
Other Upcoming Events:
- Divine Mercy Sunday (April 7): Divine Mercy Chaplet said at 3 p.m. at the Church for the Sick and Dying during Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- All Newman Night on April 3 to welcome new members into the Church
- Newman Lecture: The Catholic Faith & Evolution with Dr. Dan Kuebler, Professor of Biology at Franciscan University, on Tuesday, April 9 at Milam Auditorium
- St. John Society Celebration at OSU Alumni Center on April 11
- Go Fish Conference, April 12 – 14 in Newport. Open to ANY college-aged Catholics 18-25 years old in the Pacific Northwest. Sign up by the end of March!
- Pilgrimage to the Grotto, May 25 – 27. Annual 3-day walking event from Salem to the Grotto. The Pilgrimage is for college students and young adults ages 18-25 and those in the Newman Community.
Mass and Adoration at St. Mary’s:
- Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM
- Sunday 8:30 AM (contemporary music)
- Sunday 10:30 AM (traditional music)
- Sunday 12:30 PM (en español)
- Sunday 7:00 PM (student Mass) *During academic year
- Monday 12:00 PM
- Tuesday-Saturday 8:00 AM
- Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Find out more through the website for the parish and Newman center!