Our Parish for the Week of March 10:
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Canby
As we prepare for Saint Patrick’s Day this upcoming weekend, we are highlighting St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Canby, Oregon. This active and thriving bilingual parish strives to “bring all people to know, love and serve God and one another.” Their pastor is Father Arturo Romero, who joined us to talk about the parish:
Of course, they hold an annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration! This year join in the St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast on Sunday from 9 a.m. until noon.
At their St. Patrick’s Day celebration a couple years ago, their new St. Patrick statue was blessed. This was in memory of Fr. James Dowd and Fr. John Waldron (who were from Ireland).
Some of their other parish traditions include:
- May Crowning of Mary
- Memorial Day Blessing of the Graves at St. Patrick’s Cemetery
- Baccalaureate Mass
- Family Campout in July
- Vacation Bible School
- Parish Picnic
- Fall Festival
- Fall Tea
- Blessing of the Animals on Feast of St. Francis
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
- Annual Auction and Crab Feed (at Clackamas County Fairgrounds)
Some of their ministries include:
- Knights of Columbus
- Women’s Club
- Both of the above are responsible for some of the big annual events!
- St. Vincent De Paul Food Bank
- St. Patrick’s has an emphasis on hospitality, including Coffee & Donuts, Funeral Luncheons, and Receptions for First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA, and Baccalaureates.
- Hispanic Lenten Fasting Group is preparing 500 burritos with water and Gatorade for the homeless
- Sacramental Prep and Faith Formation
- Young Adult ministry (Next gathering is March 18!)
- Bible studies
Prayer and Liturgy Schedule:
- Mass:
- Saturday: 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm Spanish
- Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am
- Thursday: 7:00 pm Spanish
- Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions
- Thursdays – 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
father Arturo will be hearing confessions both in English and Spanish during this time.
Spanish mass will follow beginning at 7:00 pm
- Thursdays – 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
- Soup Supper and Stations (English and then Spanish) on Fridays during Lent
Find out more through their website!