The Bridge Between Your Faith and Everyday Life

Young adult walking pilgrimage to The Grotto

The St. John Society invites young adults ages 18-25 and those in Newman Center communities to its annual three-day walking event, starting in Salem and ending at The Grotto. $55 (includes food and lodging) - Register at


Monthly guided tours of Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater

Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater 218 W. 12th St., Vancouver

A free 40-minute tour of the proto-cathedral, emphasizing the architecture, construction and artwork (including European statuary, Stations of the Cross, altar and stained-glass windows).  Visitors will learn of the church's historical connections with California, Mexico, Europe and Canada as well as with the early Canadian, Native American, English, and American settlers of Vancouver. No registration […]


Diaconate Ordination for Archdiocese of Portland

St. Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception corner of NW Couch St. and NW 18th Ave., Portland

All are invited to the ordination of Chi-Nhan Vo to the Order of the Diaconate through the Laying on of Hands and Invocation of the Holy Spirit by Archbishop Alexander Sample.  A reception will follow the Mass.