The Glory of The Mass Episode 14

The Glory of The Mass: Episode 14

2nd Sunday in Advent

December 8th, 2019


Introit   Gaudens gaudebo 673   Hofburgkapelle, Vienna

Anthem Gibbons, This Is the Record of John          U.C. Chamber Chorus

Canticle Carter, Mary’s Magnificat             Portsmouth Cathedral Choir

Carol      Leontovych, A little swallow        Portsmouth Cathedral Choir

Gradual Benedicta es tu 674         Gloria Dei Cantores, Orleans, Mass.

Alleluia Palestrina, Tota pulchra es           The Sixteen

Carol      Manz, E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come               Cantus

Carol      O come O come Emmanuel         Choir of King’s College Cambridge

Offertory             Palestrina, Deus tu convertens   Palestrina Choir, Washington DC

Motet   Morales, O magnum mysterium Bremen Weser-Renaissance

Motet   Morales, Puer natus est nobis     Bremen Weser-Renaissance

Motet   Morales, Veni Domine, et noli tardare     Bremen Weser-Renaissance

Motet   Mouton, Ave Maria 676 Tallis Scholars
